Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Ain't that right, mates, Martin, Brinsley, Andrew, Stephan, Rob, not pictured, before anyone else gets hurt and they, this time, close this Music Consumer gone Amok, Nonkinsense thing down, give us either your favorite living guitar players that you've seen in concert, or best band you saw behind an individual artist...And after you do that, give 'em your top five cold and cough remedies for colds that last longer than three days, and top five ways to get out of a Rock n Roll Band, that seems to be at the top of its game, about to hit big, and then five top ways to say to a friend or relative, I'm sorry, for whatever, I did or did not do, I'm really just trying stuff out here, for a couple of laughs, shits and giggles, no more , no less, or the top five ways, you should know you've become an embarrassment, nusiancesense, pest, exploiter, self indulgent, self promoter, obnoxious a-hole, un-Christian, un-Judaic-Christian, un-any religious affiliation, with an axe to grind and a blog.