Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Does the Brazilian Buffet, Sushi, Broadway Diner Canolis, Franks on Grill by Michael, that's right I said Franks, Peking, JandLloyd Platter, Volcano Pizza, come this far up, in Camden Yards, and what about my French Toast with Vicks Vapor Rub? - I think I'll need a cup of hot tea with lemon, no sugar, up here, today! WHY? SO WE CAN DO THE WAVE AND START THE CHANT? WHAT CHANT? LET'S GO YANKEES, no I'll leave that to nearly everybody else, but our chant, everybody: Let's Call Rose, Let's Call Rose, Let's Call Rose, Let's Call Rose, Let's Call Rose, Let's Call Rose, Let's Call Rose, Let's Call Rose, Let's Call Rose, Let's Call, Norris, Phil and Marge?