Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Saturday, April 30, 2005

I thought I taught you to respect women, and those four letter words, not in my house, I did not speak to my mother like that, god forbid, and my father would get finely dressed even for breakfast, and for supper, he'd put a polka of chicken under the table, for me, so momma would not see, did you let everybody know I made Arista, ANG WONG WAY, CATCH A LAMA, LAMA ZAY ? don't copy your father when he gets verbally abusive to me over an orange and his trip to Florida New Years, tell Norris to get off his ass, already, take any job, even it's at Empire King, God, is that how I raised my College Graduated sons, to want in life, Chinese and Chinese Buffets, has anybody been up to see Norris' apartment, does he not want to live better than a studio without a terrace, now that you're communicating to Eliot and Donny, can they tell him to get a haircut, buy, shoes, a tie and a dress shirt, for an interview, oy vey, he'll die alone, without a job, does he use your computer, at least, will he ever get a new paintjob, or do we have to e-mail Paulie Walnuts and his crew, or here's a brilliant, idea, get Dominic, does Annie or Shirley, at least call, once in a while, if you want Sandra Doodle at the unveiling, I'm ok with that, let her pay for the gas, did Alan, build another house, for himself and his family, I'm jealous, do me a favor, call or e-mail Judy, and if it's June, call Anita and Dave, make sure, Selma and Morris are there, this time, it's very important, I'm so proud you bought a new car, SPEND SPEND SPEND, LIFE IS TOO SHORT, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING, I KNOW YOU WOULD HAVE TAKEN EVERY LEGAL ACTION POSSIBLE TO GET JUSTICE FOR WHAT THOSE DOPES DID TO ME, THEY KILLED ME, THE HOSPITAL, THE DRUGS, THE SOCIAL WORKERS, THE STAFF, THE RELAXATION CD, ZYPREXA, EXPECIALLY, I WAS NOT DIABETIC, WHO THEY TRYING TO KID, HEART CONDITION, TOTAL ARROGANT BULLSHIT, OVERWEIGHT, I WATCHED MYSELF, AS WELL AS SELMA WATCHES WHAT MORRIS EATS, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, YOU LOST THE APARTMENT TO RUSSIANS, I understand, BUT, COULDNT YOU SAY MY MOM KNEW MIKE NELSON AND HAD HER BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKED AT CARL KRUEGER'S OFFICE, DR. ROSEN DID ME WRONG AT THE BEGINNING, HE THOUGHT I WAS A NERVOUS NELLY, OVERLY CONCERNED ABOUT MY CHILDREN, DID YOU GET A FULL TIME JOB YET, GOOD IDEA TO LOOK IN THE DC AREA, MAYBE CALIFORNIA, I'LL GO WITH YOU, I'M BORED UP HERE, I CAN'T FIND A GOOD LIBRARY, AND MOST OF THE PEOPLE SPEAK HEBREW, AND NOT YIDDISH, I'm so glad about Louise and Michael and their children, that was so nice, and did you say thanks to Phil and Marge, I forgot about the Wedding Gift Thank you notes, from up here.