Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
posted by NONKINSENSE @ 9:23 PM 
SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, SWINE, what else can I say, Kid, BOO HISS, BOO HISS, BOO HISS BOO HISS BOO HISS BOOS HISS BOO HISS BOO HISS I'll break both your legs, you turkey burger eating swine! Somebody should sit down with you and talk to you, you have way too much time on your hands, get yourself a Hockey set on Ebay, remove yourself from the PC, now, you SWINESWINESWINE SWINESWINESWINE SWINE SWINE SWINE SWINE SWINE SWINE, OSCAR's CHILDREN MENU SWINE!
Let him go out for French Toast, I think his tape recorder is broken again!
He'll have to grow up eventually or else I'll give him a _______________________.
Kid, very funny, but, at 42? - Time to fogert a few things, make some lasting memories of your own, can you forget the Wedding, there was only so many people I could invite, it was truly a toss up we you and Michelle, I don't even remember, if we invited her and not you, or did not invite either of you, so nobody would feel more hurt than the other, it's old news, you swine, and as far the Bar Mitzvah, I did take finals seriously, even if I was laughing at people tied up in their underwear in the elevator for the Dorms at Buffalo, by, the way, Bert was not being tied, but, I was laughing at him, we all were, at Buffalo, and look, he grew out of his immature tickle bug stage, and his a very effective Minn politico big shot, something, that you may want to consider, when you stop writing all these esoteric lines of babble that goes on and on and on about my past , my past off Coney Island Avenue, the Dungaree Factory - who the hell will get that one?
First of all you got Marty the bear Prager's backwards name wrong, unless, the IN is your way of saying it's really you, HA, HA, the King gets some of this stuff, still. Second, if my math is right and it usually is and my handwritting is small, you will be 43 in December, ol' fellow, 43, remember that, the number Jim McAndrew wore as a Met, I know every time you were out to Shea you could only get to see McAnderw, never #41. I know that rooting for Texas teams and even, today, the Giants, would surprise you, but, things do change, for some quickly, for others, like yourself, very, very gradually, keep on writing, I guess, even if it's these bizarre comments, that are supposed to be in my VOICE, BOO HISS, brother around? - speaking of which, be more like SIRRON NIKNON, and relax, do the puzzle, stay off line on Sundays and do the Sunday Times Puzzle, it works for him, maybe for you, hey, kid, here's a hint: GAR-type of fish!
So you want to play that game, you swine, hello-unwanted e-mails-0-perhaps you heard of it, or do you still just play hockey on your hands and needs, with what lineup, I have no idea, especially, without a Hockey season, How would you abbreviate all those Russian and Check guys, Fins and Swedes, vey vaise...As for whether, I give you my OK on the photograph in front of Three Star with you me Norris and Linda, only, if you do that stuff you've been doing, the croping, the saturation, the glow, the film grain, the whole nine yards, I do look different than you might remember, and don't just show my stomach, you swine, that could be seen as hurtful, which, is something you may consider as you write this shit, in the comment boxes, that nobody will ever see, INcidentally, the only way I were to pay attention to this nonsense, nonkinsense, was the last e-mail, you sent, on Monday 5/2/05 - give advise, I think about NOrris and the Times Puzzle, you can spend a lot of stress free days and weeks, thinking about Egyptian River God, comb. form...Hey kid, is there a Mrs. Kidd, I see some very attractive females with you on stage, your are one year short of reaching that Jim McAndrew number, when , I was your age, I think, I was in Houston with my family, with SEASON TICKETS AT THE ASTRODOME and for the ROCKETS as WELL, in the old Arena, which, right now, I can't remember the name. When you put up your Hewlett Packard Scanner, I look forward to the pictures of your immediate family, Mr. Nonkin, Mrs. Nonkin, very touching, I like the Alice and Ralph, Fred and Wilma parody, in their voices, hey, Parents argue all the time, over the silliest of things, that we forget, are you listening, we forget and we make a real life for ourselves. Incidentally, if life takes you out West, which, may not be a bad idea, you can look me up, for the love of God, you swine, don't give out my full name, address, e-mail or otherwise or phone number, I would pursue whatever legal action, it would take, to protect me and my family, but, I know who you are Kid and I know where most of this stuff is coming from , no, it's not Sheepshead Bay, is not waiting on line at Three Star after the Avenue U $1 Movie lets out, it comes from the Heart, I knew that, since you were a little kid, you always, were after some truth in your age, the fact that you spent most of your free time with us, I thought, would be a benefit to you, maybe, more time with your idiot friends, may have changed things, and we would not have this conversation today?
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Let him go out for French Toast, I think his tape recorder is broken again!
He'll have to grow up eventually or else I'll give him a _______________________.
Kid, very funny, but, at 42? - Time to fogert a few things, make some lasting memories of your own, can you forget the Wedding, there was only so many people I could invite, it was truly a toss up we you and Michelle, I don't even remember, if we invited her and not you, or did not invite either of you, so nobody would feel more hurt than the other, it's old news, you swine, and as far the Bar Mitzvah, I did take finals seriously, even if I was laughing at people tied up in their underwear in the elevator for the Dorms at Buffalo, by, the way, Bert was not being tied, but, I was laughing at him, we all were, at Buffalo, and look, he grew out of his immature tickle bug stage, and his a very effective Minn politico big shot, something, that you may want to consider, when you stop writing all these esoteric lines of babble that goes on and on and on about my past , my past off Coney Island Avenue, the Dungaree Factory - who the hell will get that one?
First of all you got Marty the bear Prager's backwards name wrong, unless, the IN is your way of saying it's really you, HA, HA, the King gets some of this stuff, still. Second, if my math is right and it usually is and my handwritting is small, you will be 43 in December, ol' fellow, 43, remember that, the number Jim McAndrew wore as a Met, I know every time you were out to Shea you could only get to see McAnderw, never #41. I know that rooting for Texas teams and even, today, the Giants, would surprise you, but, things do change, for some quickly, for others, like yourself, very, very gradually, keep on writing, I guess, even if it's these bizarre comments, that are supposed to be in my VOICE, BOO HISS, brother around? - speaking of which, be more like SIRRON NIKNON, and relax, do the puzzle, stay off line on Sundays and do the Sunday Times Puzzle, it works for him, maybe for you, hey, kid, here's a hint: GAR-type of fish!
So you want to play that game, you swine, hello-unwanted e-mails-0-perhaps you heard of it, or do you still just play hockey on your hands and needs, with what lineup, I have no idea, especially, without a Hockey season, How would you abbreviate all those Russian and Check guys, Fins and Swedes, vey vaise...As for whether, I give you my OK on the photograph in front of Three Star with you me Norris and Linda, only, if you do that stuff you've been doing, the croping, the saturation, the glow, the film grain, the whole nine yards, I do look different than you might remember, and don't just show my stomach, you swine, that could be seen as hurtful, which, is something you may consider as you write this shit, in the comment boxes, that nobody will ever see, INcidentally, the only way I were to pay attention to this nonsense, nonkinsense, was the last e-mail, you sent, on Monday 5/2/05 - give advise, I think about NOrris and the Times Puzzle, you can spend a lot of stress free days and weeks, thinking about Egyptian River God, comb. form...Hey kid, is there a Mrs. Kidd, I see some very attractive females with you on stage, your are one year short of reaching that Jim McAndrew number, when , I was your age, I think, I was in Houston with my family, with SEASON TICKETS AT THE ASTRODOME and for the ROCKETS as WELL, in the old Arena, which, right now, I can't remember the name. When you put up your Hewlett Packard Scanner, I look forward to the pictures of your immediate family, Mr. Nonkin, Mrs. Nonkin, very touching, I like the Alice and Ralph, Fred and Wilma parody, in their voices, hey, Parents argue all the time, over the silliest of things, that we forget, are you listening, we forget and we make a real life for ourselves. Incidentally, if life takes you out West, which, may not be a bad idea, you can look me up, for the love of God, you swine, don't give out my full name, address, e-mail or otherwise or phone number, I would pursue whatever legal action, it would take, to protect me and my family, but, I know who you are Kid and I know where most of this stuff is coming from , no, it's not Sheepshead Bay, is not waiting on line at Three Star after the Avenue U $1 Movie lets out, it comes from the Heart, I knew that, since you were a little kid, you always, were after some truth in your age, the fact that you spent most of your free time with us, I thought, would be a benefit to you, maybe, more time with your idiot friends, may have changed things, and we would not have this conversation today?
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