Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Mom, I've done a lot of good things, since you've been gone, most of which, all of which, if you think about it, except for the four letter words, you would be so proud of, I kept the things you made and the poetry, and the family history you wrote with recollections from Shirley, Annie and Sandra, but, I miss you so much, nobody, thinks that much of me, down here, and Bay Plaza was torn down to make way for Condos, that even the Horse can't afford, as if he would move out of his studio, to be next to RnR, instead of a hop skip and a jump to Empire King, Quiznos, Cactus, Silver Star, Citibank, Care Pharmacy, a new 99 cent store, the Russian Cafe, that nobody goes into, at least, not during the day or early evening, that used to be Pop and Son or Mike Nelson's office and Peking.