Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Paulie, has a lot on his plate, right now, oh by the way ol' chap, when we're back in the States, let's go this time to J. n Lloyd, across the street, pretty much, from Richard Yees, and if we hook up with Marie, Adelman's on Kings Highway, if we're in Queens with the Kings and Queens, how about Ben's, or did we have that last night in the City, on 38th Street? So sorry to let you in on this, but, the corner deli on U and Ocean is a Russian Pharmacy, where you can get a lot of drugs, legally, this time, next to Pupp City, or is it a Cellular Phone place, I forget, hey, ol' chap, do you remember Izzy and Nat, Corned Beef Corner, Grabstein's ? And Mr. Wilbur, mate, if you're reading this, Do you still think, Sparky's Funny? - not Anderson or Lyle, U know what I'm talking about, do you think we can say Greita Weitz and Diarehha, and people will know, what we're talking about, how about covering, Benji's Song, Hey Charlette, Introvert, ah, yes, the Y, Grossman on Keys, OTB on U, Richie losing all his parents money on the Horses and then marrying a SHIXER - this will clue you in regarding Creation, I take some exception to the STARVED of success bit:
When The Creation split up after a career starved of success and recognition, the group members no doubt expected to fade slowly into obscurity. However, interest in the band was piqued when record industry entrepreneur Alan McGee formed a fledgling record label and named it "Creation" after the band. As the label gained success and notoriety, so did interest in the group that gave Creation its name. In the 1990s the band reformed for a series of shows, and with their popularity scaling heights never previously thought possible, they completed a highly successful tour. This release offers a show from the Mean Fiddler in London, as well as interviews from the rightly venerated and overjoyed band members.