Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.

Putz, ask your readers, for their top five Brooklyn Delicatessens, or any top five delicatessens in the F-n country, including Corky and Lenny's in Cleveland, and for God's sake, say thank you Marie, and remember these couple of things, I tried to teach you when you thought you could play Baseball:
Es ken zein harb, oich di reichsteh arb, Es iz leichter bei andereh chesroines tsu gefinen vi bei zich meiles.
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Top Five Delis
5)Bloom's Deli, Yorktown Heights--It's okay but I've got to cast a vote for the only kosher deli within 30 miles of my new home. Plus, I got a Shixer from work (actually, she's from Montreal, eh) to try the brisket club. (Mikey, she liked it!!!)
4)Stage Deli, Manhattan--Portions aren't that generous but it always tastes good.
3)Mill Basin Deli, Brooklyn--With Grabstein's in Canarsie gone, this is the only top-notch kosher deli left in Brooklyn.
2)Katz's, E. Houston Street, Manhattan--Always terrific and you can sit where Harry met Sally.
1)Carnegie, Seventh Ave., Manhattan--Simply the best. Each sandwich is three meals and you never know when you'll see a celebrity.
Yo Man, how was N'Orleans?