Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Smitty, promise me you still play the piano, that I bought you with a part time job from Brooklyn College, that I paid out for two years, please get it tuned, stick up for yourself, you've done nothing wrong, would not hurt anybody ever in your life, come from a family of doctors, lawyers and butchers, I had a lot of injections and three miscarriages so I could have you, I ate plenty of eggs, thank god, I da Pedowitz, you came out foot first, you were a breech, that explains, so much, I think, take care of your cold, don't fly so often, I like that you're traveling, so much, ask Norris, please, for me, again, tell him, to shake a leg, what is he waiting for, does he still have the old lady's couch, what does he do all day, WAH, every day, WOIS?, Times, NY 1, FAN, Schluff, I cry at night, I'm glad you called Rose, at least, Louise called Rose and you got on , in Maryland, did you tell her about the unveiling? Tell the cemetary or IJ Morris, to get with it already, it's over a year, February 11th, did I leave you enough money in the SYLIRA account?, I must have left you Peter Crosby's number, did you try to tell them that Psychiatry, was nothin' but a racket run by the Jews and now by people who don't speak English. The drugs don't work, at least, not for us, therapy is a big nothin', do you think marriage counseling help me and your father, even at the Jewish Federation, and Big Smitty won't change, even after the counseling on Sheepshead Bay Road, up the flight of stairs , with the Social Worker, I insisted on going with him, without you, and that I paid for...I'm glad to hear about Eliot and Donny, I liked all your friends, Norris' friends, which one was the Ronnette? the Double L, the Sandwich, the Instant?, did you ever tell anybody about them? - whatever happened to Polinski, he was a good friend, I liked his mother, she loved everything about our trip to Maine, I loved Wilbur, I can't forget what he did for us when he drove us to IJ Morris after your father died.