Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Sunday, May 29, 2005

Abe, what do you think about Ira, I named him after my mother and father, they would be so proud, isn't he something ? How ironic that of all the pictures, he found this one. Do you know what the Boat says behind us ? Shit Mazel that we both fell victim to Bad Medical Judgement and with me, you don't want to know, let's just say, Ira knows everything, the truth that is, not the Bullshit they tried to unload on him, only to have history repeat itself a month later. Fuck Paxil and fuck Shcleker, Shit in his Hat! Why didn't he tell you about Open Heart Surgery, look what it did for Morris and he's still alive. I'm so proud of Ira that he called Selma when he was in Florida and rented a Car to drive down from Port St Lucie where he saw the Mets, How do you think he got Norris to go, did he light a fire under his ass ? Why doesn't NOrris get a Paint job, it's been a 100 years since Donny and his friends were over, it must be your genes...Speaking of which, to be honest with you, I got to give credit to your side of the family, at least, they'll be the only relatives to show up at Cedar Park for my unveiling, I can't get over about Shirley and Lenny and Annie and Sandra, for that matter...It's their sister, aunt and if nothing else, they could pay their respects to Momma, Poppa and Nettie...And if they were real menches, they would visit your Mother's site at the Workman's Circle in respect for Ira, Louise and Phil...I always liked Phil and Louise is extraordinary, How do you like that Ira wants to work in Washington, THANK YOU GOD, it's about time he moved from a Studio and made a Life for himself.