Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Ira, I know your trying to push the envelope in your own little way, I respect that, but, sometimes, even the best of friends, don't quite get you, anymore...Sparky is still funnier and come to think of it, I should have taken the $46 change and kept it from the Meadowlands Parking Lot that night for the Devils, you made enough money from the Cleaning Stores, to allow you to retire to a life of the studio, apartment and the blog, it appears...
Ok. Caught me at a bad moment. I've always found it difficult to walk that fine line between pleasing the audience and pleasing myself. Especially given that the average taste of the audience is so godawfulbad. I had the misfortune to catch the end of the most recent "American Idol" and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what anyone saw in ANY of the finalists. It's such total pablum it makes me want to spew chunks.
As for non-The Studio rehearsal spaces, I got no problem whatsoever with that.
* what made you think I was in your small circle of friends......and do keep in mind that when it comes to memberships of any kind, I'm of the Groucho Marx school of thinking......i.e. I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me.
Sorry, I was trying to be funny ? via the Internet ?
Although, the idea of rehearsing in a non-The Studio space, aka Smash or Ultra Sound, if they had 6-8 PM Thursday Opening in a Quality Room, is worth considering in my Humble (Pie) opinion.
* hopefully I have not lost DTF from my small circle of friends...