Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Saturday, May 28, 2005

This is interesting, dig the shirt on the Rodent, Howard Bernstein, fahschluffen, as was one of the teachers standing up with his glasses somewhere off his face, Slamov indicating he's taking a nap in his Music Class, One Asian girl nodding off, Tammy Feldman deep in thought or in a deep schluff while Marcy and Alan looking at her, one teacher or guidance counselor on the phone ready to nod off another girl on the non wireless looks pretty awake, the girl by the window is looking for a bed it seems, the only Black person in the Lunchroom can just as well gay schluffen - what kind of school was this that still had Sleep as one of it's requirments for Graduation , Zelamsky has his usual smirk on his face but my guess he's counting sheep or personlized autographs in his collection, Klapper is long gone, don't bother waking him with a ten foot hockey stick with a curve on it.