Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Paulie, you can't do nothin', 'bout it, he's a Made Man, not just a Manfred Mann, Hell, Pop, said, in that other Movie, that he did not want to get involved with the DRUGS..There are so many individual reasons why people must rely on drugs that it would be extremely difficult to list each of them. One broad statement could be made which might summarize everything. Due to the pressures of our 20th century society, people have begun to use these drugs, which actually have been around for thousands of years. Life can be beautiful for everyone by just living life to its fullest, without the so-called "beautiful experiences" from drugs. The problem of drugs cannot be solved in one short paper or many panel discussions. It is a medical, social, and economic problem in our 20th century society. What future generations must do is turn out people who more fully comprehend the problems of living and who will face these problems without the use of the deadly "crutch" - drugs.
Guys: I know everyone has schedules, however can we try to get to Studio a little before our start time so we have full 2 hrs. Also,email/phone/hijack any of your friends or relatives about show.See you Thurs - I think we're gonna sound great and I think set has good order. Folsom will have solos after first three verses)Geo/David/Ira/and end on E and slow down gradually. Joe