Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Saturday, June 25, 2005

Thank you Knockouts for all that you do, this pix for you.
A good show and a lot of fun. Watching Kerry and Roman dance, and Ira do his thing with his hat, had me laughing so hard that for a moment I couldn't even play. The giggle factor set in, and Jen will never let me forget it.
As has been said so many times before, it's been an honor and a pleasure.
I am sorry I missed your performance tonight. I left work a little too late for the first set and I was too tired to make it through the second one. I hope it was great as always. Here are some consolation pictures
which can also serve as good luck charms for your new job. (Could some of these have been taken during your performance at the Bitter End?)
Clap hands for Ira! Give that man a bagel!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eight Tips for Effective Weight-Training
You don't have to be a bodybuilder to experience the benefits of weight training. By lifting weights for a mere 10 minutes a day, two to three days a week, you can increase your metabolism, improve your posture, gain strength, prevent osteoporosis, and relieve stress. Plus, muscle continues to burn calories long after you've left the gym.
Below are eight tips to help you achieve the most from your weight training session:
Every muscle has an opposing muscle — make sure you work both to insure a balanced tone.
Try not to lock your joints or overextend the muscles. If using free weights, remember to protect your back by bending your knees.
Challenge your muscles by trying different weight training exercises from time to time.
Adopt a slow and steady pace — it's not a race.
If you don't feel it, you're not working hard enough. Try lifting heavier weights or performing more repetitions.
Both quantity and quality matter. Do at least 8 to 15 repetitions of each move.
Before you try any gym equipment, ask someone to show you how to use it. Most gym-related injuries stem from improper equipment use.
A little is better than nothing. Do what you can at first, and then work up to more.
It wasn't you. I couldn't hear my guitar during the whole set which made for a very disappointing evening for me. After working so hard with Angus and practicing at home and with with you guys only to find that nobody heard a darn thing was extremely disappointing. I was doing some cool stuff in Fly Like an Eagle too which was silenced by from what I understand, a soundman who was not on the ball. Great keyboard playing. I hope you weren't upstaged by the hat!
Thank you Ira. You were great too. I heard some nice spontaneous keyboard touches throughout the set.
Thank you Ira. You were great too. I heard some nice spontaneous keyboard touches throughout the set.
Here is an interesting story you might like to share with the Nonkinsense crowd.
This article was taken from the Daily Telegraph.
Lucy In The Sky - the real womanBy Beth HaleJune 15, 2005
WHEN the Beatles released Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, it was popularly assumed to be a barely concealed reference to LSD.
John Lennon denied a drugs link, claiming the true inspiration was a young girl called Lucy who appeared in a painting by his then four-year-old son, Julian.
Her identity was not revealed at the time but the story can now be told of the little girl who may have been the real Lucy in the Sky.
Lucy Richardson grew up to be a successful movie art director.
But this month she died at the age of 47 after a two-year battle with breast cancer.
Last night her sister Mary Foster paid tribute to the popular and talented film lover, and told of the family's connection to the Beatles.
Lucy was a few years older than Julian Lennon when he enrolled at the private Heath House School, in Weybridge, Surrey.
However, because John Lennon and the other Beatles used to visit the Richardson family's antique and jewellery shop, she knew the little boy.
So when he became homesick and unsettled she would be called out of class to sit with him while he drew pictures. One of those pictures was of Lucy.
Mrs Foster said: "One day John Lennon came into the shop and said, 'Hello, Lucy in the sky with diamonds'. We thought it was just John being John."
When a song with that same name appeared on 1967's Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album, the Richardson family began to wonder.
And when Lennon announced he had been inspired by his son's picture of a girl called Lucy, the pieces of the emotional
jigsaw puzzle came together.
It was in a 1975 interview that Lennon said: "Julian came in one day with a picture he painted about a school friend of his named Lucy. He had sketched in some stars in the sky and called it Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
Mrs Foster, who still runs the antiques shop, said: "It was then we realised why he had been calling our Lucy, Lucy in the sky.
"Lucy remembered the times when she would sit with Julian as he drew pictures.
"She was rather chuffed to realise she had inspired the song title, but was very modest about it.
"There was another girl called Lucy who thought the song was about her, but we always knew the song was about our Lucy."
Julian Lennon, now 42, has recollected his drawing in interviews.
"I obviously had an affection for Lucy at that age," he said.
As Lucy grew up, contact with the Beatles was lost.
She went on to work her way up in the film industry, becoming an art director on films such as Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett and Geoffrey Rush, Chocolat and last year's The Life and Death of Peter Sellers.
Lucy, who never married, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003 and endured a lumpectomy and gruelling chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Last December she was told the cancer was back, and had spread to her bones.
She died on June 1 and was buried in Weybridge.
Her family sprinkled crystals on her grave to symbolise the diamonds of the song she inspired.
Rivka goes to the new shopping centre in Brooklyn. It's unique because it's only for Jewish women looking for Jewish husbands. Potential husbands are the only goods on display. This is why Rivkah is there.When she enters the building, there is a large sign, which explains: - THE BROOKLYN JWSC. This JWSC centre is laid out over 5 floors. The men here have increasingly better attributes the higher up you go. The rules for entry are simple --- you are only allowed in once.Once you open the door to a floor, you must choose a man from that floor. If you go up a floor, you can't go back down except to leave the centre completely. Once you leave, you cannot return at any time forever.BEST OF LUCKRivkah goes to the first floor. The sign on the door says Floor 1:"All the men here have jobs, love children and are certainly not lazy". Rivkah thought, "Well, that's better than not having a job or not loving children, but I wonder what's further up?" So up she goes to the next floor.The sign says Floor 2:"All the men on this floor have executive jobs, love children, are certainly not lazy and are extremely good looking". "That's better," thought Rivkah, "but I wonder what's further upstairs?"Up she goes.The sign says Floor 3:"All the men on this floor have executive jobs, love children, are certainly not lazy, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and are not strictly orthodox". "Wow," thought Rivkah, "almost perfect and very tempting. But I've come this far and there's more further up!"And so again, up she goes.The sign says Floor 4:"All the men on this floor have executive jobs, love children, are certainly not lazy, are extremely good looking, help with the housework, are not strictly orthodox, are very romantic and know how to satisfy their partner"."Oy vay, wonderful" she said aloud, "but just think what could be waiting forme upstairs" So up to the fifth and top floor she goes.The sign here says Floor 5:"This floor is just to prove that Jewish women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping. Have a nice day".
XAURREAUX-spelling still ? on the editor's part.