Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Thursday, June 30, 2005

Ya, Ya, Ya mean to tell me I'm clear, my Urine is clear and the, the, the, Phy, Phy, sical is fi, fi, fine, I could start on Sunday and fly out to Milwau, wau, wau, kee, on Tu, Tu, Tu, Tuesday ? CLARENCE DID YOU HEAR THAT, MERRY CHRISTMAS BEDFORD FALLS, Merry Christmas Shady Grove, Rockville, Metro Center, Gallery Place-Chinatown, Smithsonian, Grasshopper Marcus, Montegomery Gazette, Twinbrook, Taipei Tokyo, you Ol' White Flint, Merry Christmas, Glenmont, Silver Springs, Wheaton Shopping Center, Stadium Armory, New Carrolton, Washington Dulles, Reagan National, Parliamont Plaza, Concentra Medical, Van Ness, Grosvenor, Broadway Diner, Guitar Center, Comp USA, Community Pool, Cleveland Park, Dupont Circle, Chantilly, Cheverly, F13, L'Enfant Plaza, Crystal City, Big Wong Restaurant, City Sports, Union Station, Union St ation Movie Theatres, Betheseda Barnes and Noble, Software Development, MERRY CHRISTMAS LANHAM, Md.