Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Friday, July 01, 2005

I don't quite understand, despite being a New Yorker for so many years now, but, this Nonkinsense guy wants me to say the following on July 1, 2005: Dear Mr. Ostrow: I would like to take this opportunity in wishing you a joyous birthday celebration. I remember back to the time I had you my World History Class and found you to be an exemplary student. Up until now I have never had the opportunity to express to the fullest my opinion of you. I found you to be a student of impeccable character with high scholastic ability. While, Mr. Brian A. King and the others of his ilk would ridicule me to my face, you behaved like a true gentleman and you only poked fun of me behind my back. This is indicative of your strong moral fibre. You may wonder why it has taken so long for me to contact you my friend. You see, I am not a well man any more. Soon after you graduated I was coerced into a fixed bridge game by fellow Stuyvesant alumnus Michael Harrison, where I proceeded to lose my shirt and my Columbia Blazer as well. Now, as I lie on my deathbed and see my life flash before my eyes, I have one last request from you, my most cherised student. Please rise and sing with me "OUR STRONG BAND".... Thank you very much for that stirring rendition, it brings a tear to my eye. In my last remaining days here on earth please don't be afraid to call me, so we can relive those historic moments we have spent. IN closing, it is a pleasure to have known such an exceptional person as yourself...LET'S HIT IT BOYS! - Hank