Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Thursday, July 28, 2005

Yes, Master Wayne, I sent out the e-mail about Rock n' Rollers from Queens, Gotham City, in anticipation of the Birthday on August 1st, that Ronnie made me aware of...Leslie West was included...And if I may remind you, again, Lori was in Buffalo studying for Finals during your Bar Mitzvah in 1975, along with Randy, Ronnie, Bert, Fruit Mouse and the King...And thank you for asking, I'm doing fine here in Napier, Illinois, home to the largest community of retired Gotham City British Butlers in the United States... One additional item, pardon my ignorance, Master Wayne, who exactly , was the Big E ?
Not at all. August 1st. By the way, a sad addendum from yesterday. I also found out that British keyboardist/guitarist Ken Craddock (Mark-Almond Band, Lindesfarne, Alan White (Solo)) was killed in a car crash in Portugal in May, 2002. He wrote and sang my favorite song from my favorite Mark-Almond album (Rising) entitled "I'll Be Leaving Soon" (Jon Mark was usually the lead vocalist). Mark-Almond was/is a favorite of Fred's and mine especially Rising and Mark-Almond II.