Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Friday, August 19, 2005

Hey Bob, you'll love this one: I'm on a #2 Train and this guy in his early to mid forties, seated next to me thinks if he starts up a conversation with me, wishing for a successful Hockey Season, I'll think about hiring him to work for the NHL...Now get this, he's a Ramp Agent, without the benefit of a Union, working at Reagan National and before that a Per Diem Broadcast Technician, Wait it gets better, Continuity Director and Assistant Traffic Manager for Local and Network Radio . .. And he graduated BC Cum Laude and has a ABA approved Paralegal Certificate from LIU graduating with Distinction..What a total loser!..No Playoffs for that guy, no Over-time even, HE SHOOTS, HE DOES NOT SCORE .