Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Thursday, September 15, 2005

Lissen Up, Starship Troopers and Astral Travellers, me and Chrissie here, want to know your Top Five Prog. Rock Songs and nobody gets the Siberian Khatru treatment like this kid with the funny Haircut 100 ... Remember, Chief Wiggum, keep away from The Styx bullshit, will 'ya please...Here's My Number One while I was holed up in the Can: Court of the Crimson King
by King Crimson
Em B D C E
Ah---- Ah---- Ah---- Ah----
Em C Em6
1) The rusted chains of prison moons are shattered by the sun.
2) The keeper of the city keys puts shutters on the dreams. I
3) The gardener plants an evergreen whilst trampling on a flower. I
4) On soft gray mornings widows cry, the wise men share a joke;
Em C Em6 C
1) walk a road, horizons change, the tournament's begun. The
2) wait outside the pilgrim's door with insufficient schemes. The
3) chase the wind of a prison ship to taste the sweet and sour. The
4) run to grasp divining signs to satisfy the hoax.
Am Fmaj 7 Am6
Fmaj 7
1) purple piper plays his tune, the choir softly sings
2) black queen chants the funeral march, the cracked brass bells will
ring; To
3) pattern juggler lifts his hand; the orchestra begins
4) yellow jester does not play but gently pulls the strings.
Em C Em
1) lullabies in an ancient tongue, for the Court of the Crimson
2) summon back the fire-witch, to the Court of the Crimson
3) slowly turns the grinding wheel, in the Court of the Crimson
4) smiles as the puppets dance, in the Court of the Crimson
Em B D C E
B (4) B E)
Ah---- Ah---- Ah---- Ah----
After 4) Then tob End
Em B D C E
B (4) B E)
Ah---- Ah---- Ah---- Ah----