Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Friday, September 30, 2005

MURDERERS ROWS, just for Kicks.
Let's Get Behind Them...
I am counting down backwards because my No. 1 has a story:
5. The "Bob Costas Moment" - As he once described, walking across the field after a game and out through the Yankees' bullpen is indescribable.
4. Attending a playoff game (v. the Angels)
3. Attending a World Series Game (v. the Marlin)
2. Attending Opening Day of the renovated Stadium ( and seeing Monty Python at the City Centre later that evening!).
1. It was an October 2nd, sometime in the '70's, the Yanks were so far behind First Place that a telescope wouldn't have helped. I was taking Charlie to a game for his Birthday. We had seats in one of those mezzanine/loge four-seaters (two and two) leaning out over the field. Someone (on Cleveland, their opponent that day) hit a foul ball which I caught while holding up the two the two guys behind us who were lunging for the ball. I believe to this day that they would've fallen onto the field had I not supported them on my back. I gave the ball to Charlie which he has to this day. That's Baseball, Buddy!