Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Friday, September 23, 2005

I know it's all a crock of shit, Senator, I can see that and I can see through you, but, maybe this one's going to be different. ... Ira, It was a pleasure speaking with you this morning and I'm looking forward to meeting you Monday at 11 am. Please bring your driver's license and a second ID (social security card, passport, etc.) to help me process your application and to obtain a driving record.
Just get up off the ground, that's all I ask. Get up there with that lady that's up on top of this Capitol dome, that lady that stands for liberty. Take a look at this country through her eyes if you really want to see something. And you won't just see scenery; you'll see the whole parade of what Man's carved out for himself, after centuries of fighting. Fighting for something better than just jungle law, fighting so's he can stand on his own two feet, free and decent, like he was created, no matter what his race, color, or creed. That's what you'd see. There's no place out there for graft, or greed, or lies, or compromise with human liberties. And, uh, if that's what the grownups have done with this world that was given to them, then we'd better get those boys' camps started fast and see what the kids can do. And it's not too late, because this country is bigger than the Taylors, or you, or me, or anything else. Great principles don't get lost once they come to light. They're right here; you just have to see them again! along with this note I just received: Good Evening! Get my phone message? Debbie is sleeping in the guest bedroom tonight. I put your stuff near the sink by the upstairs bathroom. Hope that's what you need... You can use the xtra bed in Mark's room, or the couch in the family room if you want (pillows&blanket on rocking chair) See in you in AM - we'll all be home 'til noon or so...and also thanks Patty for the kind words: hey ira..
it was so good 2 c u @ the studio...thanks for stopping by..2 lift up the room..and most importantly to say hey.