Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Still singing the Song of Praise.

Roy Wood was 59 yesterday. If I thought about it, I could put together a Top 59 but here are my Top Ten Favorites:
1. Anything from 'SHAZAM'
2. Blackberry Way
3. I Can Hear The Grass Grow
4. It Wasn't My Idea To Dance
5. Mist On A Monday Morning
6. Forever
7. I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday
8. When Gran'ma Play The Banjo
9. Earthrise
10.The Premium Bond Theme
I'm going to make it easier on myself and do a Top Five, Roy Wood solo material list:
1. Song of Praise
2. The Rain Came Down on Everything
3. Back on the Road Again
4. Nancy Sing Me a Song
5. When Grandma plays the Banjo
and this message frome Bun E
The MoveMessage From The CountryHarvest/EMI [UK]
Folks, it just doesn't get much better than this. For the newbies: The Move were a Birmingham, England pop band who morphed into The Electric Light Orchestra after Jeff Lynne joined in the late '60s. This album, and its bonus tracks, perfectly sum up that era—kinda like The Beatles meet prog rock, with a dash of heavy metal thrown in for good measure. This is the music that led into ELO's excess of pomp and over-orchestration in the late '70s. But there's none of that here! The abundance of reed instruments (oboe, bassoon, etc.) hasn't seemed to age a bit in the 34 years since Message's original release. Or maybe,it's because the songs and performances are uniformaly top notch. Unlike most reissues, this stuff hasn't aged. Whatever the reason, score this disc, it's mandatory. If you wanna hear "Do Ya" done proper, buy this. If you wanna hear where Cheap Trick latched onto "California Man," buy this. If you wanna hear where The Travelling Wilburys come from, buy this. Just buy it, it's great. I love it.
—Bun E. Carlos