Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Gene Pitney

R.I.P., Gene Pitney. One of my '60's Fave-Raves, IMHO a vastly underrated singer and songwriter (although ultimately recognized by the Rock'N' Roll Hall of Fame). On his first single, he wrote the song, played all the instruments and did all the vocals. He was the first artist to cover a 'Stones song. He also (co-) authored two of the greatest songs of the '60's: Hello, Mary Lou and He's A Rebel. My Top Five Favorites:
1. Hello, Mary Lou - Rick Nelson (also New Riders)
2. He's A Rebel - Crystals
3. It Hurts To Be In Love
4. Last Chance To Turn Around (Last Exit To Brooklyn)
5. Twenty-Four Hours From Tulsa