Adventures of an Analog Man in the Digital Universe, with a little help from my friends and relations.
Monday, December 25, 2006
James Brown - Sex Machine
When we say get up, what do we mean? Ira,
R.I.P., James Brown (HEY!). From Please, Please, Please to Papa's Got A Brand New Bag to the '70's Funk of Hot Pants to Livin' In America, he was always will be "Soul Brother No. 1".
I am sick from this news. Since my childhood, no one has influenced me more.
When we say get up, what do we mean? Ira,
R.I.P., James Brown (HEY!). From Please, Please, Please to Papa's Got A Brand New Bag to the '70's Funk of Hot Pants to Livin' In America, he was always will be "Soul Brother No. 1".
I am sick from this news. Since my childhood, no one has influenced me more.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Roy Wood
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Best of Festivus- Seinfeld
A woman goes to the post office to buy stamps for her Chanukah cards. She says to the clerk, "May I have 50 Chanukah stamps?"The clerk says, "What denomination?""Oh my Gosh," the woman says, "has it come to this?
Give me 6 Orthodox, 12 Conservative, and 32 Reform
Happy Chanukah, DH...
Whatever you celebrate
may it be precious and dear
Enjoy the season to the fullest
and have a wonderful new year
I can't wait to rock with you some more in 2007!
A woman goes to the post office to buy stamps for her Chanukah cards. She says to the clerk, "May I have 50 Chanukah stamps?"The clerk says, "What denomination?""Oh my Gosh," the woman says, "has it come to this?
Give me 6 Orthodox, 12 Conservative, and 32 Reform
Happy Chanukah, DH...
Whatever you celebrate
may it be precious and dear
Enjoy the season to the fullest
and have a wonderful new year
I can't wait to rock with you some more in 2007!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
No Dancing
My apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I was out sick for a few days, and have been playing catch-up since I returned.
It looks like we have filled the NYC position, but I would like to keep your resume on file, as I do think you have a lot of relevant experience, and I enjoyed speaking with you.
Thanks again for your time,

It looks like we have filled the NYC position, but I would like to keep your resume on file, as I do think you have a lot of relevant experience, and I enjoyed speaking with you.
Thanks again for your time,

Monday, December 11, 2006
Rockpile Nick Lowe Dave Edmunds Born Fighter
Friday, December 08, 2006
Serious Rejection.

At this time we have targeted another candidate for the role and will be moving forward accordingly
Hi Ira,
I just wanted to keep the line of communication open between us. Jay Sun told me he spoke with you today. We will keep your candidacy in mind for future opportunities and we wish you the best of luck in your job search.
All the best,
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Birthdays IN-fam(il)y
Sunday, December 03, 2006
BROOKLYNITES ...If you ain't from Brooklyn, just forget this; you wouldn't understand. You're truly from Brooklyn if you can relate to any of the following: from my "other Brooklyn"1. Alternate side of the street parking. 2. Ate at Kishke King ( 10 inch hot! dogs) 3.Ate dinner every Sunday night at Lee's Chinese Restaurant. (or a reasonable facsimile) 4.Ate Italian food at (fill in your choice)5.Bought bobka at the original Ebingers 6. Bought Ebinger's Black-Out Cake (and didn't count the calories) 7. Bought knishes from Mrs. Stahls in Brighton or Mom's knishes..8. Bought knishes on the beach and didn't mind the sand.9. Bought pickles out of a barrel. 10.Can name all the Brooklyn High Schools. 11. Don't speak with an accent - everybody else does. 12. Drove over the Marine Park Bridge for a 10-cent toll and Brooklyn Battery Tunnel for 25 cents. 13. Everybody knows somebody from the neighborhood even if it's your mother's cousin's son-in-law's sister's boyfriend. 14. Got a "Kitchen Sink" at Jahn's. 15. Got a J.D. card and feeling like Al Capone. 16. Had a prom date at the Club Elegante. 17. Had roller skates with keys.18. Hand ball in the schoolyard.19. Hit two sewers in punch ball. 20. It's not the "shore", it's the "beach," idiot. 21. Kings Plaza.... how come we get the crappy mall? 22. Knew who the neighborhood wise guy was, but you'd never tell the cops. 23. Knew Rosie's Candy Store, headquarters for Murder, Inc!! 24. Know what E.J. Korvettes stands for (Eight Jewish Korean Veterans). 25. Know what the F.W.I.L. on the Lundy's Restaurant in "The Bay" stands for (It's the brothers, Frederick, William, Irving and Louis). 26. Know, or at least your hips do, what a Charlotte Russe is .27. Owned a pair of shoes from Thom Mcann 28. Played at Faber's Fascination and Skeeball - saved tickets for junk .29. Played Ring-A- Levio at dusk. 30. Played Hit The Penny; Stoop Ball; Skelly; and Potsy. 31. Rode the Cyclone. 32. Saw the Dodgers at Ebbets Field. 33. Remember Bohack's, Packer's and Associated. 34. Remember Coney Island fireworks every Tuesday night in the summer. Watching from your roof. 35. Remember submarine race watching at Plum Beach. Heck, if you even know where Plum Beach is. 36. Sheepshead Bay is for fishing and seafood. 37. Shopped at Pitkin Ave before the mall and all the dreck.38. Swear that George and Sid Deli had the l-e-a-n-e-s-t pastrami. 39. Went to Steeplechase and rode the horses.40.There is a bagel bakery a few blocks away. 41. There is at least one pizzeria within 1 block of your house and a candy store on the corner. 42. Thought "Buddy's Fairyland Kiddie Park" on Utica Ave. was a major amusement park. 43.Thought going "away to college" means NYU, Pace, or Pratt. 44. Waited for Bungalow Bar or Mr Softee guy to come around your block. 45. Walked along the Coney Island Boardwalk with a Shatzkin's knish.46. Washed it down with a Sunny Boy orange drink. 47. Went to a Bar Mitzvah at the Paradise Caterers on Pitkin, sometimes two on a weekend. 48. Rode the Trolleys. 49. Went to the "real " Fortunoff's on Livonia Avenue . 50. Went to Alan Freed rock ! & roll concerts at the Brooklyn Fox or the Brooklyn Paramount. Went the night before for good seats. 51. Went to Saturday matinees at the Ambassador or Loew's Pitkin. 52. You ate at the Horn and Hardart Automat or the Famous Cafeteria. 53. You can correctly pronounce places like Long Island, but aren't exactly sure where it begins.54. You curse a lot. Or can at least out curse anyone from anywhere else. 55. You don't go to Manhattan; you go to "The City."56. You have no ! reason to go to Queens.57.You know and go to the REAL Nathan's - Coney Island. 58. You know someone with mob ties. 59. You know the difference between going with, seeing, fooling around with and going out with someone. 60. You know what a "Johnny pump" is. 61. You knew when someone got carpeting, their "oil cloth" was in a roll by the garbage.6 2. You made a scooter from orange crates and an old skate. 63. You made carpet guns that shot old linoleum projectiles. 64. You never realize you have an accent until you leave. 65. You waited for the rides on a truck to come to your neighborhood for 10 cents a ride. 66. You walk down "The Avenue" and see at least a handful of the people you knew growing up. 67. Your friends came over to hang out on the stoop. 68. You've had a pigeon crap on your car and/or your head. 69. Rode the elevated (EL) lines or the BMT cut out to The Beach. 70. And the most important reason that you're a Brooklynite or at least have the soul of one, is the attitude that you have and NEVER want to lose!!!!! " The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything that comes
along." courtesy of DK by way of Kelly Park...
From brooklycigar,
You know you're from Brooklyn if you:
1. Went to Saturday matinees at the Kingsway, Avalon, Rugby, Sheepshead, Mayfair, Marlboro, or Graham.
2. Know what the F.W.I.L. on the Lundy's Restaurant in "The Bay" stands for (It's the brothers, Frederick, William, Irving and Louis).
3. Remember submarine race watching at Plumb Beach. Heck, you even know where Plumb Beach is.
4. Played Hit The Penny, Stoop Ball, Skelly, Johnny on the Pony, and Knucks.
5. Know, or at least your hips do, what a Charlotte Russe is.
6. Think going "away to college" means CCNY, NYU, LIU, Pace, or Pratt.
7. Went to Murray the K rock concerts at the Brooklyn Fox or the Brooklyn Paramount. Stayed on line all night before for good seats.
8. Shopped on Fulton St. and Pitkin Ave. before the mall and all the dreck.
9. Ate at Chock Full O' Nuts Shops. (date nut bread and powdered donuts that were crunchy)
10. Bought bobka at Leon's, or Ebingers on Flatbush Avenue or Butterbun on Nostrand Ave.
11. Ate Ebinger's Black-Out Cake (and didn't count the calories)
12. Walked along the Coney Island Boardwalk, with a Shatzkins knish and didn't get mugged.
13. Bought knishes on the beach and didn't mind the sand.
14. Washed it down with a Sunny Boy orange drink with the wax in it.
15. Remember Coney Island fireworks every Tuesday night in the summer, and watced from the roof of your apartment building.
16. Bought huge sour pickles out of a barrel for a nickel.
17. Were able name all the Brooklyn High Schools. Just try and do that today!
18. Played at Faber's Fascination in Coney Island.
19. Remember when there were Charcloettets and Luncheonettes not diners, and the Italians owned the fruit stands.
20. Know that NBC's main production studio is on Avenue M.
21. Thought "Buddy's Fairyland Kiddie Park" and Peter Pan Playland were major amusement parks.
22. Don't speak with an accent - everybody else does!
23. Went to a Bar Mitzvah at the Colonial Mansion, sometimes 2 the same weekend.
24. Had a prom date at the Club Elegante.
25. Could run into a kosher deli for hot dogs with mustard and sour kraut and eat on the street.
26. Drove over the Marine Park Bridge for a 10 cent toll, and Brooklyn Battery Tunnel for 35 cents.
27. Knew who the neighborhood wise guy was, but you'd never tell the cops.
28. Shoped at Bohack's, and Packer's.
29. Know what E.J. Korvettes stands for (Eight Jewish Korean Veterans)
30. Owned a pair of pumps from Miles or National's.
31. Waited for the Good Humor or Bungalow Bar guy to come around your block.
32. Buying knishes from RUBY THE KINISH MAN
33. Getting a "J.D. Card" and feeling like Al Capone.
34. You waited for the rides on a truck to come to your neighborhood for 10 cents a ride.
35. Went to Brennan and Carr for a double dip roast beef that dripped all over you.
36. Eating dinner every Sunday night at Fong Fong's or Tung On's Chinese Restaurant.
38. Going to Big Daddy's on Coney lsand Avenue if you were too lazy to go to Nathan's
39. Getting a Kitchen Sink at Jahns.
40. Italian food at Collaros on Coney Island Ave.......
41. Playing hide and go seek or ring-a-liveo dusk.
42. Had all steel roller skates with keys.
43. You made a scooter from an orange crate, an old skate, and a two by four.
44. You made carpet guns that shot linoleum projectiles.
45. You ate at the Horn and Hardart Automat and Tad's steak house.
46. Hung out in or nearby Garfields (Flatbush & Church), Dubrows (Kings Highway & East 16th st), Mitchell's Drive In (Fort Hamilton Parkway) or The Flame (Gerritsen Ave & Ave U.)
47. Ate Stahl's Knishes under the tracks on Coney Is. Ave. off Brighton Beach Ave
48. Went to Brighton Beach Baths (guys tried to peak into the ladies area)
49. You're still angry that the Dodgers left Brooklyn !!!
along." courtesy of DK by way of Kelly Park...
From brooklycigar,
You know you're from Brooklyn if you:
1. Went to Saturday matinees at the Kingsway, Avalon, Rugby, Sheepshead, Mayfair, Marlboro, or Graham.
2. Know what the F.W.I.L. on the Lundy's Restaurant in "The Bay" stands for (It's the brothers, Frederick, William, Irving and Louis).
3. Remember submarine race watching at Plumb Beach. Heck, you even know where Plumb Beach is.
4. Played Hit The Penny, Stoop Ball, Skelly, Johnny on the Pony, and Knucks.
5. Know, or at least your hips do, what a Charlotte Russe is.
6. Think going "away to college" means CCNY, NYU, LIU, Pace, or Pratt.
7. Went to Murray the K rock concerts at the Brooklyn Fox or the Brooklyn Paramount. Stayed on line all night before for good seats.
8. Shopped on Fulton St. and Pitkin Ave. before the mall and all the dreck.
9. Ate at Chock Full O' Nuts Shops. (date nut bread and powdered donuts that were crunchy)
10. Bought bobka at Leon's, or Ebingers on Flatbush Avenue or Butterbun on Nostrand Ave.
11. Ate Ebinger's Black-Out Cake (and didn't count the calories)
12. Walked along the Coney Island Boardwalk, with a Shatzkins knish and didn't get mugged.
13. Bought knishes on the beach and didn't mind the sand.
14. Washed it down with a Sunny Boy orange drink with the wax in it.
15. Remember Coney Island fireworks every Tuesday night in the summer, and watced from the roof of your apartment building.
16. Bought huge sour pickles out of a barrel for a nickel.
17. Were able name all the Brooklyn High Schools. Just try and do that today!
18. Played at Faber's Fascination in Coney Island.
19. Remember when there were Charcloettets and Luncheonettes not diners, and the Italians owned the fruit stands.
20. Know that NBC's main production studio is on Avenue M.
21. Thought "Buddy's Fairyland Kiddie Park" and Peter Pan Playland were major amusement parks.
22. Don't speak with an accent - everybody else does!
23. Went to a Bar Mitzvah at the Colonial Mansion, sometimes 2 the same weekend.
24. Had a prom date at the Club Elegante.
25. Could run into a kosher deli for hot dogs with mustard and sour kraut and eat on the street.
26. Drove over the Marine Park Bridge for a 10 cent toll, and Brooklyn Battery Tunnel for 35 cents.
27. Knew who the neighborhood wise guy was, but you'd never tell the cops.
28. Shoped at Bohack's, and Packer's.
29. Know what E.J. Korvettes stands for (Eight Jewish Korean Veterans)
30. Owned a pair of pumps from Miles or National's.
31. Waited for the Good Humor or Bungalow Bar guy to come around your block.
32. Buying knishes from RUBY THE KINISH MAN
33. Getting a "J.D. Card" and feeling like Al Capone.
34. You waited for the rides on a truck to come to your neighborhood for 10 cents a ride.
35. Went to Brennan and Carr for a double dip roast beef that dripped all over you.
36. Eating dinner every Sunday night at Fong Fong's or Tung On's Chinese Restaurant.
38. Going to Big Daddy's on Coney lsand Avenue if you were too lazy to go to Nathan's
39. Getting a Kitchen Sink at Jahns.
40. Italian food at Collaros on Coney Island Ave.......
41. Playing hide and go seek or ring-a-liveo dusk.
42. Had all steel roller skates with keys.
43. You made a scooter from an orange crate, an old skate, and a two by four.
44. You made carpet guns that shot linoleum projectiles.
45. You ate at the Horn and Hardart Automat and Tad's steak house.
46. Hung out in or nearby Garfields (Flatbush & Church), Dubrows (Kings Highway & East 16th st), Mitchell's Drive In (Fort Hamilton Parkway) or The Flame (Gerritsen Ave & Ave U.)
47. Ate Stahl's Knishes under the tracks on Coney Is. Ave. off Brighton Beach Ave
48. Went to Brighton Beach Baths (guys tried to peak into the ladies area)
49. You're still angry that the Dodgers left Brooklyn !!!